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10 Quick and Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care Every Day

10 Quick and Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care Every Day

Posted by Erin Williams on 21st Apr 2017

We all know that self-care is important and that it has a huge range of benefits. But some days it just feels too hard. You know those days – when you wake up late, rush off to work, come home exhausted and spend the next few hours watching Netflix before rolling into bed. When you’re having one of those days or weeks, how are you meant to find an hour to devote to self-care?

I want to let you in on a little secret. You don’t need to set time aside for self-care. It’s something you can do every day, no matter how busy you are, and you only need a few minutes.

Here are 10 simple and quick ways to start practicing self-care daily.

  1. Take a few deep breaths in bed – either before you jump out of bed in the morning or as you lay back in at night. Or, you could do both and add a lovely feeling of calm to the start and end of your day.

  2. Light a candle while you shower or diffuse your favourite essential oil. Not only will your bathroom smell great, if you’re like me you’ll feel relaxed as soon as the candle has been lit.

  3. When you get out of the shower take a few minutes to lovingly apply your body moisturiser. Really massage it in. No more slapping it on in a mad rush.

  4. Wear clothes that fit you well and that make you feel confident. Don’t save your favourite clothes for special occasions, instead wear them every chance you get.

  5. When you apply makeup highlight the areas of your face you love. If you love rocking a bold red lip, wear it! Or if you have flawless skin, flaunt it. And on the days when you’re not leaving the house taking a minute to apply some mascara and a lip balm can make you feel put together and cute.

  6. Spend some time outside at least once a day. Eat your lunch al fresco, stand barefoot in the grass in your backyard, or take a short stroll around the block on your lunch break.

  7. Don’t over-plan or over-schedule your life. You need down time and space where you can relax. We’re all so busy these days but it’s ok to do less and to say “no” to things you don’t really want to do.

  8. Leave work at work. If you commute use that time for yourself and not for replying to emails. Listen to your favourite playlist, read a book, meditate on the train. Do something that you love, purely because you enjoy it (and not because you think you should).

  9. While you’re watching another episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine put on a face mask. You can easily have a mini pamper session without setting aside extra time for it.

  10. Watch one less episode and go to bed earlier than you usually would. Most of us could do with a bit of extra sleep and the TV show will still be there to watch tomorrow.

Practicing self-care is about more than just taking action. It’s knowing that you deserve to take care of yourself. It’s believing that it’s okay to spend time doing things that make you feel good. And when you can get your self-care done in mere minutes it no longer feels daunting and instead it starts to feel delightful.

Erin Williams is a self-love advocate, writer, vlogger, wellness coach and new mama. She’s equally addicted to coffee and self-care. Her words have been featured on MindBodyGreen, the Huffington Post and Tiny Buddha. She encourages women to fall in self-love, find their own style of wellness and devote to self-care.

You can follow Erin’s blog Erin Williams or find her on Instagram.
